Robyn Brown

Chief Development Officer

Robyn joined Northwest Center as Chief Development Officer in 2018. She is charged with laying the foundation for philanthropic sustainability while building out an impending capital campaign.

Robyn’s passion for helping underserved individuals achieve their potential led her to leave the corporate sector in 2006; she has been working to create social change ever since. Her nonprofit experience spans from program development to strategic planning, building a social enterprise, and advising nonprofit startups.

Most recently, Robyn served as Chief Development Officer for Big Brothers Big Sisters Puget Sound, where she co-led the process for the five-year organizational strategic plan, and created new funding strategies that helped the organization to recover from financial downturn, achieve 12 percent growth, and strengthen its impact. She also served on the national rebrand task force for the 115-year-old brand.

Robyn earned a BA in Communications from California State University Fullerton, holds a fund development certification, and is a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. She and her husband have two children and are active leaders in the community.